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Mr. Yeh Mingzhuo, the founder of JenDer medical software company, is the leader of the research and development team. Consisting of computer engineers, physicians, pharmacists and other professionals from North America and Taiwan, our team is committed to developing the best medical software based on the principles of "innovation", "service", "humanly touch", and "value added.”

Founded by Mr. Yeh Mingzhuo , JenDer medical software company have provided service to more than 400 clients, including various types of clinics and hospitals.  A leading medical software company in Taiwan, JenDer medical software company has years of  experiences in hospital administrative management system . In order to further advance the development of medical softwares, our company has decided to become in line with the world by incorporating features in North American administration software systems to provide more comprehensive patient and treatment related records that assist physicians in making more accurate diagnosis. Furthermore, it can also improve the competitiveness of the medical facilities while  maintain efficiency and convenience of Taiwanese administration software systems.

Internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine and diagnosis assistance system are another important features of Dowell medical software. Traditional Chinese medicine has rapidly developed around the world in the last few decades. The alternative therapies, includes acupuncture, herbal medicine, Tai-Chi, diet therapy, and massage etc., have generally accepted and used by the public. Moreover, many countries have tried to combine the traditional medicine and alternative therapy to become the new guideline of the future development in medical field. Our medical software has an excellent function of medical recording, the incomprehensible TCM terminology can be translated into English. Allowing practitioners to complete medical records easily in the shortest time. For those who has the need for the assistance with English medical record writing, our software can also display the English medical records when you finish the Chinese ones.
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